For years the newest "fad" was to eliminate most fat out of your diet. This was to assure you of weight loss and better health. But take a look around you. Does it look as if Americans are slimming down? Not hardly. In fact, it has been documented by many who are interested in health that our society is getting fatter and fatter, even amongst our children. According to a recent study, 61 % of women are overweight and 71% of men are also overweight! So how can this be if the supposed culprit was eliminated?
Well guess what! Removing fat from the diet has created more problems since that isn't what was necessary to eliminate for weight loss. In addition, when most people consume fat they ingest unhealthy fat. The typical bottled oils available on a grocery store shelf that are most frequently purchased - oils like corn, canola, cottonseed, peanut, or any of the many kinds found in our normal grocery store shelves - are highly toxic to your body. The reason is they have been heated to high temperatures in order to preserve them for months on a grocery store shelf. Once heated to such high temperatures the oil becomes carcinogenic, or cancer-causing. It has turned into a trans fatty acid, which is very detrimental to your health; it has then become high in omega-6 fat which your body does not need in such large amounts and becomes toxic when too much is ingested. These unhealthy fats contribute immensely to all those extra pounds. And the same unhealthy oils mentioned above are what fast food businesses use, as does processed food.
Carlson Labs
Let's talk about the benefits of good fats and what kinds are the best choices for your health. The main fat your body needs is omega-3 oils, commonly referred to as EFA's. 95 % of Americans are deficient in these highly beneficial omega-3 oils. In fact, most Americans receive less than 10% of their daily requirements for omega-3 oils.
Fish is a great source of omega-3 rich fat, but not all fish is alike in quality. Never purchase or consume farm raised fish as it is likely contaminated with steroids, estrogen, pesticides, mercury, and other chemicals. Always choose fresh, wild-caught fish. But even then you must be wary about whether or not it is truly pure. You can also take fish oil capsules, but often companies don't provide a pure product. I have found, along with many health care doctors and practitioners, that Carlson Labs produces high quality mercury-free cod liver oil and fish oil in liquid form and capsules. (There are of course other companies that also produce top quality products) Liquid is always best I feel as it is more readily absorbed into your body and more of the nutrients are also absorbed. But capsules can be beneficial as well.
Perhaps you were made to take cod liver oil when you were a child and hated the taste. I truly understand, but cod liver oil has many benefits for your body. As I matured in my understanding of what's good and what isn't, I am able to consume this product with ease and appreciation for what it does for my health. Different health advocates recommend different doses, anywhere from 1 teaspoon per day to 2 tablespoons per day. Listen to your body and decide for yourself by trying different amounts. It is especially important to ingest some daily when you are not out in the sun because it also contains the much needed vitamin D which many Americans also lack. Good news! Carlson makes lemon-flavored cod liver oil - a lot better than what grandma used to have!
Omega-3 oils consist of several parts. ALA, or Alpha-Linolenic Acid, is found in flax, hemp, canola, soy bean, dark green veggie leaves, and walnuts. In addition there are EPA and DHA oils which are found in cold water fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, trout and sardines. The latter are the best source of omega-3's because your body can directly use these without converting them. The ALA oils must convert within your body and most people do not have the proper enzymes to make the conversions due to stress and improper nutrition.
So why are these omega-3 oils so beneficial to you?
oThey provide lubrication to the skin, arteries, veins,
intestinal tract and connective tissue, thus are an aid in
fighting aging, heart disease, colon disease, digestion
problems and arthritis.
oCan increase your energy level.
oHas shown the capability of improving your concentration,
thus enabling a benefit in hyperactivity, Alzheimer's,
depression and many other cognitively impaired situations.
oCan benefit those with cancer and other serious diseases.
oSoftens skin and makes it smoother, and renews dry hair.
oReduces inflammation and benefits muscle recovery from
trauma, overdoing, over-exercise and arthritis.
oMay help you sleep better.
oCan improve constipation as lubrication is one of the basic
needs for easier and better elimination.
oHas often increased healing capability.
oCan produce calmness and even vitality in an individual.
oReduces blood pressure.
oIs necessary for the conversion of all hormones within your
oCan help eliminate the "bad" fats you've ingested from your
body, thus aiding weight loss.
oVital for building lean muscle.
It has been said that you cannot overdose on omega-3 oils - the more the better. If you truly wish to be vibrantly healthy and maintain or regain youthful vitality, you need omega 3's. Simply reading the above list of benefits should convince you of their importance. Even if you're turning up your nose just thinking about consuming fish oil, remember that everything begins in your mind. Once you're convinced of a benefit in something suggested to you, it's easy to decide to do it! It's all about choice!
What's a good dose to use? Here again, it's according to what your body needs, but begin with the dose suggestion on the label of your supplement. I use Carlson Labs cod liver oil and fish oil, taking 2-3 teaspoons of cod liver oil per day and 2 or 3 capsules of fish oil daily. As a result I've found improvement in my skin, hair, joints and energy. Of course I consciously live a healthy lifestyle in every aspect which in turn adds to the benefits of the omega 3's I consume regularly. It is a lifestyle commitment to be vibrantly healthy.
Vibrant Health & Weight Loss with Omega-3 Fats
Carolyn Porter, D. Div.
Empower Productions, Inc., owner
All About Health, Inc., co-owner
Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is a Health Advocate in all dimensions. She is an Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Wholeness Coach, Author of multiple books, ebooks and audios, and an Energy Facilitator, whose passion is to help you move beyond your self-imposed limitations and become all you are meant to be. This provides multidimensional healing in body, heart, mind and spirit. I invite you to visit